Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pray With Me

In a few days I will be heading to Romania. My team and I will be doing anything from VBS with Romanian children to building a playground. This is going to be an exciting trip for many reasons. But it will also be a hard one.

Why will it be exciting?
1. It is my first real chance to truly connect with the teens I will get to minister to over the next few months.
2. Many will see a way life they have never experienced before.
3. Lives will be changed. Changed for the Lord.
4. Lord willing, the Romanians we will work with can see the brightest of lights shining through us.

Why will it be hard?
1. Romania is a dark country.
2. The devil is very much alive and active.
3. The days will be long and tiring.

-- Commit -- 
1- to put into charge or trust : entrust,
2- to carry into action deliberately. 

I trust you. Can you COMMIT?

Can you please COMMIT to pray for this trip?

As I think about the importance of this trip, one thing keeps coming to mind - That the Lord will become known. That He will become known to the people we are reaching out to, but also to those of us reaching out. Yes, safety is a concern but I ask that you focus your prayers on the saving of peoples souls. Even if it is just one soul saved. Its for ETERNITY.

Please pray that the devil be cast far away. If he grabs a hold of us, please pray that we have the strength - through the Almighty God - to shake him off and that the Lord's unmistakeable light will wipe away the devils darkness.

I know I may be asking a lot of you, especially when I can't give you very many details. But please know that your prayers are very much needed and appreciated.

" The light shines in the darkness, 
                    and the darkness has NOT overcome it.

                                                                                   John 1:5

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Light ALWAYS Prevails

My time here has been amazing! And I haven't even started working with teens yet. It has just been all the interns hanging out. We have been working in the office, hanging out and touring.  It's sometimes hard to believe that I am in Germany. It can be a bit confusing when constantly surrounded by Americans. But, I am trying hard to take it all in.

Today was the best day so far. The first half was called JAM day. That means its just "Jesus And Me." We spent our time at the Schwetzingen Castle Gardens. It was so beautiful there. The purpose of my time was to spend time alone, just me and God.

No matter what kind of work you find yourself in, whether it be ministry, business, coaching, teaching, etc., it always seems to be too busy. "I don't have time!" Taking the time to spend with the Lord, takes effort. But nothing is more important than doing that. Why is it so hard? Because the world sees busyness as success. If you aren't busy, you aren't successful. That is a lie.  There is no such thing and there shouldn't be such a thing as 'being too busy to spend some time with God.' Everyday may not look the same, but there must be Jesus time everyday. Jesus time may not be the same everyday, but it must happen everyday for there to be fulfillment. He is more than worth it.
Matthew 11:28-“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Like today, I spent about 45 minutes just sitting, relaxing, thinking and praying. Then spent some time walking around the gardens with the other interns. We were joking, laughing and, of course, taking pictures. Even during that time I was able to see God's work in everything. He was in the beauty of the clouds, grass, trees, flowers, ducks, geese, and water. After that, we had another hour to ourselves.

I decided to sit by the lake and watch the ducks. I ended up writing down my prayers. I was writing in my journal about needing encouragement in some areas of my life and all of a sudden, as the sun started to shine through, a pure white and very beautiful Swan swam right up to my feet, stuck its head out towards me and then just swam off. Talk about the Lord working in mysterious ways.

His reminder: though there are dark days in your life, the sun ALWAYS overtakes darkness. Keep your eyes on the light.

John 16:33- “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


Friday, June 1, 2012

The First Few Days

I have been in Heidelberg for about 36 hours. After a LONG 30 hours of traveling I finally made it to here. I am so excited to be here!

It is very unreal that I am actually here. Last night we (fellow interns and I) walked around this small town we are staying in called Rot. We were geochaching. (First time I've ever heard of it... look it up on google.) We went to two different sites and found nothing. But I just can't believe we were just walking around a small town in Germany. I can't believe it!

I've been able to walk around Patrick Henry Village, where I lived just over 10 years ago, and see my middle school, soccer field, bowling alley, youth center.... so many memories. Here are some pictures of other places/foods:

My old home!
 The skate park where I almost broke my wrist. (Thanks Daniel!)
 Pommes Fritz! With a Gyro and Cola. The best part of all, the Pommes Fritz (French Fry) man is the same guy and the fries taste EXACTLY like I remember!
 A restaurant we used to eat at...

 Finally got my jagerschnitzel mit spaetzle!

We are going into the city tomorrow to walk around the city and see the castle illumination at night! 

It is very unreal that I am here. Last night we (fellow interns and I) walked around this small town we are staying in, geochaching. First time I've ever heard of it... We went to two different sites and found nothing. But I just can't believe we were just walking around Germany. I can't believe it!

The Lord is good and I am excited for what he has in store for me in the next several months.

Stay tuned for prayer requests and updates on what the Lord is doing here in Heidelberg and in one week, Romania.

In Him,
