Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Same Verse. New Meaning.

A little while ago I set the background picture on my computer to my favorite verse. One that has meant so much to me in my physical struggles in the past 5 years. A verse that I have seen over and over again and continue to love. But, today was different. I saw something else. 

In the past several weeks I have had a lot of emotion... happy, sad, cloud 9, heartbreaking, and life altering events. All ok but, in the time span that it has been in, very overwhelming at times.

As I sit and reflect, my favorite verse brings a WHOLE new meaning... 

James 1:2-3


When things are going well it is easy to consider it pure joy, because we are happy. But when things get tough, to us, it is anything but pure joy. But why? Why is it not pure joy that our heavenly father is refining us and making us better people? 

I am able to look back on the troubles in the last 5 years to know that there is hope in the troubles that I have faced in these past 6 months and hope in the ones that I will face in the next 6 months. Without my troubles I would not know what it means to persevere, fight, pray or even to find joy. 

I encourage you to look back at that favorite verse of yours. Find that new meaning.

Same verse. New meaning!